Monika Wesselmann Art

Sculpture, Painting, Drawing


Solo exhibitions, group exhibitions and projects

2019Dynamic Stillness, Solo Exhibition, Anteros Arts Foundation, Norwich
2017Essentially Subjective, Solo Exhibition, Anteros Arts Foundation, Norwich
2015Relations, Solo Exhibition, Anteros Arts Foundation, Norwich
2023N2023G: Annual Summer-Exhibition, Undercroft Gallery, Norwich
2023Art Space at the Prom, Cromer, Norfolk
2023Yet Better Built, Yare Gallery, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
2022N2022G: Annual Summer-Exhibition, Undercroft Gallery, Norwich
2021/22 Horizon, N20G exhibition at the Hostry, Norwich Cathedral
2021N2021G: Annual Exhibition Norwich20Group, St Margeret’s Church of Art
2020Winter Exhibition at Mandell’s, Mandell’s Gallery, Elm Hill, Norwich
2020Target Follows Exhibition Winter Light, at the Theatre Royal, Norwich
2019N2019G: Annual Exhibition at the Forum, Norwich
2019Target Follows Exhibition at the Theatre Royal, Norwich
2018/19Aspire, N20G Exhibition at the Hostry, Norwich Cathedral
2018Changes, N20G Exhibition, Undercroft Gallery, Norwich
2018N2018G: Annual Exhibition at the Forum, Norwich
201820into18, Target Follows Exhibition at the Theatre Royal, Norwich
2017Life Drawing 2017 Exhibition, St Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
2017Light, N20G Exhibition at the Undercroft Gallery, Norwich
2017Norwich2017Group; N20G Annual Exhibition, Forum, Norwich
2016Life Drawing 2016 Exhibition, St Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
2016Exhibition at the Oaksmere Hotel, Diss, Suffolk
2016Never mind the Bxxxx, N20G Exhibition, Undercroft Gallery Norwich
2016Eastern Horizons, N20G Annual Exhibition, Forum Norwich
2015Life Drawing 2015 Exhibition, St Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
2015Large Scale, N20G Exhibition at the Undercroft Gallery Norwich
2015We are here already, N20G Annual Exhibition, Forum Norwich
2014/15Winter Exhibition 2014/2015 at Mandell’s, Mandell’s Gallery, Elm Hill, Norwich
2014Life Drawing 2014 Exhibition, St Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
2014Spring Exhibition 2014, Arts Centre Wymondham, Norfolk
2013Life Drawing 2013 Exhibition, St Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
2013Open Exhibition 2013, Arts Centre Wymondham, Norfolk
2012Life Drawing 2012 Exhibition, St Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
2012Spring Exhibition 2012, Arts Centre Wymondham, Norfolk
2011Life Drawing 2011 Exhibition, St Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
2017Project: Art of Revolution – Collaboration with 20 international artists, Exhibition and Performances at the Undercroft Gallery, Norwich
2016Project: Asylum – Collaboration with international artists, Exhibition and Performances at the Undercroft Gallery, Norwich
2015Project: War and Peace – Collaboration with artists from 10 nations, Exhibition and Performances at the Undercroft Gallery, Norwich
Variations Of A Condition, exhibited at Forum Norwich - by Monika Wesselmann
Variations Of A Condition, exhibited at Forum Norwich

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